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TJ Inspection is constantly seeking new technologies that can enhance the service delivered to our clients. Two most recent additions are the FAST® and TELETEST® Ultrasonic Techniques.

FAST® Flaw Analysis & Sizing Technique is an innovative Ultrasonic Flaw Detection system that utilizes refracted longitudinal waves to both detect and size planar indications. This system was developed by SPIN LLC who maintain the patent on its use. With FAST®, detection, characterization, and through wall sizing of planar flaws are all accomplished at the same time.

FAST® uses longitudinal wave energy to reduce the confusion caused by the other wave modes. Its most significant advantages are:

  • Reducing the errors caused by geometric indications
  • Sizing and detection occur at the same time
  • Detection is independent of signal amplitude
  • Excellent for thin walled materials

Typical applications include Boiler Tube Butt Welds, Sizing of Surface Flaws such as SCC, Fillet Welds, Proving Up Results from Intelligent Pig Runs in Pipelines, and Longitudinal Seams.

TELETEST® is a Guided Wave Ultrasonic System that is used to evaluate volumetric wall loss conditions as part of a first-line inspection program. This system was developed by TWI, "The Welding Institute" in Scotland, and uses low frequency ultrasonic technology that has been developed for the detection of both internal and external corrosion.

The TELETEST® system utilizes a bracelet of ultrasonic transducers, which flood the entire volume of metal with low frequency sound waves. The principal advantage is that long lengths may be examined from a single test point. Test lengths range from 30 to 100 meters in either direction from the inspection points, and the system has the ability to go through welds as well as around elbows and bends.

When using TELETEST®, the cost of accessing the inspection area is reduced, the removal and reinstatement of insulation or coatings is avoided and 100% examination of the pipe wall is achieved.

Typical applications of TELETEST® are Marine Risers and Flow Lines, Pipeline River & Road Crossings, and Long Runs of Piping under Insulation and Cladding.