TJ Engineering & Inspection
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Quality Assurance  |  Non Destructive Examination  |  Specialized Non Destructive Examination
Lifting Gear Inspection  |  Rope Access Services


The role of representing a client during Vendor Surveillance and Monitoring requires knowledgeable personnel with a professional disposition. TJ has provided these services on both large and small-scale projects across a variety of industries.

Having multi-discipline personnel with qualifications and backgrounds specific to the task, provides the project with a team member that can assist in the progression of the quality, schedule, and overall goals of the project.

As site representatives, typical duties can range from

  • Providing assistance implementing specifications
  • Third Party Auditing of Systems and Procedures
  • Inspection and Test Plan Development
  • Final product acceptance and release
  • Reviews of Project Documentation Records
  • Health, Safety, and Environmental Reviews

At the "shop floor level" Quality Control provides the checks and balances required to ensure the final product meets the desired specifications. Our experience has been in a variety of industries ranging from Offshore Oil & Gas, Civil Projects Bridges and Buildings, General Industry, and Marine. Throughout all industries there is one common theme that relies on the duties of quality control personnel.

"It costs less to do it right the first time"

Project Expediting and Status Reporting is an independent service that is a critical component of large-scale projects. Timely and accurate reports are prepared on shop utilization, production levels, manpower allocations, and material availability to allow potential schedule impacts and critical path items to be identified. TJ utilizes team members with problem solving capabilities that can visualize adverse conditions, suggest corrective actions, and avoid costly delays.

Managing quality documents and maintaining material traceability throughout fabrication is an essential component of any quality system. TJ has developed a series of Document Management Procedures and a "Traceability" database program that can ensure a cost-effective solution for any size project. This program has been developed with the flexibility of being easily modified to suit any client or project requirement. This includes customizing the level of data entry, changing cross-references to specifications, and preparing project specific reporting.

Material and project specifications are the first items entered. This allows for verification of incoming material against the specifications during receiving inspection. A unique code symbol identification system reliably tracks material usage and placement. With the project requirements preprogrammed, all data related to the manufacturing processes, inspection and testing and completion are verified for compliance during the data entry process and readily available.

The database features easy to use search engines that provide status information on every aspect of the fabrication. This is an excellent tool during Management reviews and Inprocess audits where information regarding quarantine items, repair histories, and statistics are required. On completion of the project the client and certification authorities are confident that the project requirements have been met, enabling a smooth documentation hand over. The final data is compiled onto CD-ROM formats complete with scanned images of project documentation.

An integral part of any large project is to ensure that the varied requirements of the Authorized Inspectors and Certification Authorities are satisfied in a professional and timely manner. TJ has extensive experience dealing with the authorities from government, insurance, and classification societies. Liaison services are provided to perform duties such as documentation and film reviews, site inspections, welder performance testing, and PQR/WPS approvals. These services target the overall project certification and acceptance.